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Friday, May 16, 2014

Sachin Karpe Talks about The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding

Sachin Karpe Talks about The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding. The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most interesting--and most controversial--aspects of marketing. First, let's address branding, which is one of the most important issues relating to color perception and the area where many articles on this subject run into problems. There have been numerous attempts to classify consumer responses to different individual colors: . but the truth of the matter is that color is too dependent on personal experiences to be universally translated to specific feelings.But there are broader messaging patterns to be found in color perceptions. For instance, colors play a fairly substantial role in purchases and branding. Perceived appropriateness may explain why the most popular car colors are white, black, silver and gray but is there something else at work that explains why there aren't very many purple power tools? Says Sachin Karpe.


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